Received a coin?
I helped our PE teachers clean up our field
For helping another student in PE class
I found a phone, and I turned it in to the proper authorities to be returned.
I received this coin because I helped a student with a personal issue.
i got it because i’m helping my dad with the hotcakes for hero’s.
I received this coin after holding the door open for my friend Caitlin.
Helped a friend with a paper
I was chosen to kick off kindness wk at Witt. I also helped staff a brought some one a cookie and made lunch for another staff member.
Nole Nation Southeast High
I received the coin because one of our amazing teachers informed me that a student was in need of some clothes so I was able to donate 3 bags of clothes and shoes.
For helping a student in need of attention, clothing and Nole Nation family love
Best PE Coach ever!
Kindness challenge Daughtrey Elem
Kindness challenge Daughtrey ES
Kindness challenge Daughtrey ES
Started at Daughtrey Elem
I told Ms. Lindsey how much I appreciate her.
My neighbor gave it to me
Colleague bought me lunch unexpectedly☺
Skye Grundy gave me flowers on my Desk with an encouraging note.
I helped get my friends computer working properly
Starting the Kindness Challenge at BRE
Starting the Kindness Challenge at BRE
Because I’m awesome and I’m doing better in school
Thank you for all the lives you save and the differences you make every single day! You're a superhero Pell! -Love Sav
started the coin at king school
Ms. Csogi passed it to me for greeting students
Ms. Csogi passed it to me for greeting students
Because I make candy for friends for Christmas