Received a coin?
Because I'm always sweet
I received this coin by holding the door open for people behind me!
I said I liked his shoes
A boy at school said thank you for always being nice
My friend made my day when he gave me his coin and it made me feel good
A friend gave me a compliment and opened my milk for me
Someone gave me my favorite snack
Gave a patrol positive stickers to pass out to other students.
Because I was kind and helping others.
giving a compliment
Always being helpful and willing to help at any give moment
I got a compliment that I was sweet and nice
I helped Tommy pick up his stuff after class
Someone said kind words to me
To kick off kindness week at our school
Always being helpful and supportive to our staff as they enter and exit the PSC.
My friend gave it to me for being kind to him.
gave my sister a ride to school
For being a great friend
Because no matter the task or assistance needed, Sandra says I am there for everyone in our building.
For being very good, and nice, and kind, and sweet
A friend passes it to me
I made a travel recommendation to a colleague that allowed them to receive a free vacation
Because no matter what the task or the help that is needed, Sandra said I am always there for her and everyone else in our building.
Brought in a meal for a coworker
Helping a coworker
Someone gave me a compliment
Supporting and sharing resources
A classmate said good morning to me and it made me happy
I gave a classmate a compliment
A student said that I was the best lunch guy ever and gave me a high five
opened samantha’s fruit cup!
I drew a picture for my classmate
I held open the door for a friend.
My classmate drew a picture for me and it made me happy and kind
My classmate drew a picture for me and it made me happy and kind
i helped gunnar pick up his dropped pencils and colored pencils
Someone gave me a really cool Japan notebook
My Principal gave me the coin.
A cafeteria worker delivered me a nice warm breakfast this morning.
I helped the teacher put away computers.
Helping another student having a bad day
For improving my behavior and being a leader
For showing kindness to my friend
I helped another student who fell at PE