Received a coin?
Stevi Raff because she knew I like acts of kindness and thought I would enjoy following my coin
Found in GeoCache, East Duffins Creek Conservation Area (Uxbridge, Ontario)
My team member in recent golf tournament gave the son to me for showing kindness
Gave my friend a missing part for her Golf Caddy and gifted her 50/50 tickets at golf tournament.
Found in junk drawer
My leader promoting kindness!
Received from EVP during Random Acts of Kindness Week.
I received this coin cause I gave my teacher a present and I was the only one to really be kind to her.
Someone said I was a kind hearted person
An act of kindness...sending an unexpected gift.
Bob Plecki - a leader in my company, shared this coin with me!
I received this coin cause I gave my teacher a present and I was the only one to really be kind to her.
Received from EVP during Random Acts of Kindness Week.
Random delivery to me.
I received the coin from my friend Dara when she let me chose the game I wanted to play with her.
RAK Week at work - from executive leadership
Received coin for Busey Bank’s RAK week. Passing on after leaving a generous tip to a friendly waiter at dinner.
Busey Bank RAK week
Busey Random Acts of Kindness week!!
Received coin from Amy Randolph during random act of kindness week.